
下面的列表是 一个完整的项目课程列表,并显示了过去、现在、 还有两项. 查看完整的学位/证书要求和课程设置 点击下面的链接.

GEOL 101 -物理地质学- 5.00学分

板块构造学研究, 岩石, 矿物质, 火山, 地震, 资源, 地质时期, 以及影响地球表面和内部的过程. 岩石和矿物的实验室分析. 解释地形图和地质图作为调查工具. 可选的实地考察. (地质母1001)

GEOL 103 -环境地质- 5.00学分

Introduces fundamental concepts and philosophy of environmental study; discusses natural hazards with underlying causes and human interaction with the environment; applies environmental concepts to problems of pollution, 垃圾, and hazardous waste; explores the source, 类型, 可用性, and evaluates intelligent use of geologic 资源; suggests techniques for hazard prevention and remediation; addresses current media topics concerning the environment. (地质母1001)